inb4track’s Carpeaux reviews the Hai’s “Pop Songs.”

Posted on Posted in Pop Songs, Review, The Hai

The idea was to throw all shame behind and come up with a bunch of unabashed pop songs, which turned out to be of an overall great quality. Every track here is interesting and could stand up by itself, it’s certainly a solid album from beginning to end. That I believe is one of the best things with the most serious homemade musicians around, the ones we started this blog to talk about: the concept of a “filler” just isn’t there. Who cares if your bandcamp album had 12 tracks or 6? The notion that you do your thing and stop when you think you’ve done enough is very powerful as far as quality control goes. At the same time, these dudes are doing it for fun, because they wanted to, and it’s all between friends. 

Read the entire review here.