Profile II: Water Gun Water Gun Sky Attack.

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1. Take a picture or shoot a video of your songwriting process.

2. What’s the name of your WIP folder (a.k.a. that place in your computer where unfinished songs go to die)? “Shit goes here.”

3. What is: (a.) the weirdest search hit on your Bandcamp’s Buzz stats, and (b.) the unlikeliest country hit on your Soundcloud’s play stats? About three or four times per week I get a hit from someone searching for “crossdressing manga.” One of those came from the Palestinian Territories. Now we know there is at least one person there that is a fan of crossdressing manga.

4. Name an artist that is always compared to you; though you don’t hear the comparison at all. Boards of Canada? They kinda bore me, not enough progression or movement in their stuff even though it all sounds very pleasant. So whenever someone compares me to them I feel like I need to make whatever they were talking about more frenetic/distorted/progressive.

5. Which artist would you like to be the opening act for? Which artist would you want to collaborate with? Dan Deacon on both counts, because his live show is fantastic and his style is distinctive. And I’ve always admired his DIY-ness.

6. Which other the Hai member would you want to tour with (just one; pretend that it could only be a double bill)? Where would you tour? WGWGSASAPLM on the road would be cool, not just for touring with zombie songs but also for watching venue owners try to fit the name on their signs. Or maybe mattir, for two side-by-side extended electro-freakout sets. Tour in Europe or here in the States or wherever.

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